Web Building Blocks

Web Building Blocks for your Application

In this chapter we will show you a number of important parts, Building Blocks, of which any Web application is composed of.   Each example is linked to Github, where you can have a look at the source code.

spring WS soap server client crud

A Spring WS SOAP CRUD example between a server and client.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Spring WS SOAP Server and Client CRUD
Spring Security with JWT authorization

spring security jwt authorization

Spring Security with JWT authorization, refresh token and REACT login..

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

spring oauth 2 OIDC authorization server

Spring OAUTH 2 and Open ID Connect authorization server with a client and resource server..

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Spring OAUTH 2 OIDC Authorization server
Security examples Java, Node REACT

security in java, node and react

Herewith some security examples like JWT, Basic Auth, Passport, sessions etc for Java, Node and REACT

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

JNDI-LDAP server directory

Simple inquiry with JNDI of a LDAP Server Directory

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Inquiring LDAP with JNDI
Centalized Logging

centralized logging

Building block for centralized logging for Java and Node backend and REACT frontend.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

robust microservices

Building block with some simple techiques for failure isolation in microservices, like retries, circuit-breaker, timeout and fallback method .

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Fault tolerant robust microservices
Spring WebFlux, MySQL and Java

reactive programming spring webflux

Building block with very simple example of Reactive Programming with Spring WebFlux and MySQL R2DBC .

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.


Building block with Kubernetes running microservices Spring Boot at Tomcat server and HttpServlet at WildFly server .

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

K8, Spring Boot and HttpServlet
JAVA Spring REST Dockerized

java spring rest dockerized

Building block for a Spring REST application in a Docker container.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

java message service

Building block of Java Message Service, a middleware communication layer for applications.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

JAVA Message Service
JAVA Server Side Datatable with REACT

java/spring datatable server side + react

Building block for a Datatable with JAVA/Spring server side functions like search (in all columns) and pagination.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

kafka stream wordcount demo

Building block for a simple Kafka Stream with an application for counting the words entered at the input Topic.

Kafka Streams is a framework for building streaming services.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Kafka Streams

graphql react server and client

This building block is a simple CRUD example of GraphQL API between a REACT Client and Nodejs Express server.

GraphQL is an alternative to REST and. lets developers construct requests that pull data from multiple data sources in a single API call.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.


Simple Authentication built with REACT and CouchDB. The login page blocks the routes to the pages of the site.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Authentication REACT


For this application with static content (emulation of current website manyroads.dev) we used REACT and Tailwind css.

A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

react custom hook data sorting

You do not always need to incorporate libraries or frameworks in your bundle. Herewith an example of a custom Hook to sort data in a ascending/descending order.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

REACT Customized Hook Data Sorting
Dockerized version of Job registration app

dockerized react nodejs mysql app

A Docker containerised version of a Job registration app.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

kubernetes crud application

Herewith an example of a dockerized CRUD application loaded at a Kubernetes node running a REACT FE, Nodejs Server and MySQL database.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Kubernetes Dashboard
XML file generation


Straight forward XML file generation of a recipe with different ingredients with Java.

The source code for this example is available on Github. More detailed information you can find in the Readme file.

Coding Convention

  • We use our skills to enhance the readability of the code and to simplify modification

  • Our lines of code appear as if they were created by a single person

  • We apply the "Don't repeat yourself" (DRY) principle to reduce repetition and redundancy.

  • We apply single-responsibility principle (SRP) where every module, class or function has responsibility over a part of the program's functionality

  • We use as much as possible Constants in our programs, instead of hard coding


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